Learning portal

This is the gateway to all the learning resources the Academy offers for building your expertise – from training to webinars, to articles, videos, and more, you'll find it here.
For instructor-led training (in-person or virtual) and webinars, select your country/region first.
Learning tracks 0

Netzwerk-Video-Grundlagen (Krefeld)

| Krefeld

Lernen Sie grundlegende Aspekte der Netzwerk-Videoüberwachung kennen. Außerdem können Sie praktische Erfahrungen beim Anschließen und Konfigurieren von Axis-Produkten sammeln.

Mehr erfahren
Virtual instructor-led training
Network intercoms

2N intercoms overview

Discover how 2N intercoms can improve security by providing efficient features and communications when controlling access.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Advanced Camera Configuration A

| Online

This course is an advanced course that provides you with advanced theoretical and practical knowledge in configuring Axis network cameras.

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Virtual instructor-led training

AI-based video analytics

| Online

This virtual instructor-led training explains what AI-based video analytics are about, deals with common misconceptions, and covers a range of factors that influence the end result.

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Formation virtuelle dirigée par un instructeur
Outils d’analyse

Analyses vidéo basée sur l'IA

| Online

Cette formation virtuelle dirigée par un instructeur explique ce que sont les analyses vidéo basées sur l'Intelligence Artificielle.

En découvrir plus
Virtual instructor-led training

Analytics for security and safety overview

Discover how Axis analytics help improve security and safety by enabling appropriate actions to be taken without delays.

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Webinars - recorded

Automatic License Plate Recognition, solutions and integrations


In this webinar you will learn, which solution can be offered from Axis Communications with AXIS License Plate Verifier. But also, with the use of FF Groups software with and on AXIS’s cameras.

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Webinare – aufgezeichnet

Automatische Kennzeichenerkennung, Lösungen und Integrationen


In diesem Webinar erfahren Sie, welche Lösung Axis mit dem AXIS License Plate Verifier bietet. Desweiteren erfahren Sie,  welche Möglichkeiten Sie mit der Software der FF Group haben.

Mehr erfahren
Formation virtuelle dirigée par un instructeur
Audio en réseau

Axis Audio Training

| Online

Apprenez les bases du réseau Audio et découvrez les possibilités d'AXIS Audio Solution avec des exemples concrets.

En découvrir plus
Virtual instructor-led training
Network audio

Axis Audio Training

| Online

Learn the basis of network audio and discover the possibilities of AXIS Audios Solutions with specific examples from typical projects.

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AXIS Camera Station Advanced (Hamburg)

| Hamburg

Dies ist eine Aufbauschulung, die sich mit den erweiterten Möglichkeiten von Axis Camera Station 5 in der Praxis befasst.

Mehr erfahren

AXIS Camera Station Advanced (Ismaning)

 +1 | Ismaning

Dies ist eine Aufbauschulung, die sich mit den erweiterten Möglichkeiten von Axis Camera Station 5 in der Praxis befasst.

Mehr erfahren

AXIS Camera Station Advanced (Mägenwil)

| Mägenwil

Dies ist eine Aufbauschulung, die sich mit den erweiterten Möglichkeiten von Axis Camera Station 5 in der Praxis befasst.

Mehr erfahren
Instructor-led training
End-to-end solutions

AXIS Camera Station Advanced (Rotterdam)

 +1 | Rotterdam

This is an advanced training course that covers the advanced capabilities of Axis Camera Station 5 in practice.

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AXIS Camera Station Advanced (Stuttgart)

| Stuttgart

Dies ist eine Aufbauschulung, die sich mit den erweiterten Möglichkeiten von Axis Camera Station 5 in der Praxis befasst.

Mehr erfahren

AXIS Camera Station Advanced (Wien)

| Wien

Dies ist eine Aufbauschulung, die sich mit den erweiterten Möglichkeiten von Axis Camera Station 5 in der Praxis befasst.

Mehr erfahren
Virtual instructor-led training
End-to-end solutions

AXIS Camera Station Essentials

| Online

Learn how to design, install, operate and manage a video surveillance system using AXIS Camera Station and AXIS Camera Station Integrator Suite.

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Online-Schulung mit Trainer

AXIS Camera Station Grundlagen

| Online

Erfahren Sie, wie Sie mit AXIS Camera Station und AXIS Camera Station Integrator Suite ein Videosicherheitssystem entwerfen, installieren, betreiben und verwalten.

Mehr erfahren

AXIS Camera Station Grundlagen (Ismaning)

| Ismaning

Erfahren Sie, wie Sie mit AXIS Camera Station und AXIS Camera Station Integrator Suite ein Videosicherheitssystem entwerfen, installieren, betreiben und verwalten.

Mehr erfahren
Formation dirigée par un instructeur
Solutions complètes

AXIS Camera Station: Formation avancée (Bussigny)

| Bussigny

Il s'agit d'une formation de mise à niveau qui aborde les possibilités étendues d'Axis Camera Station 5 en pratique. 

En découvrir plus
Blended (mix of formats)
Network video

Axis Certification Study Check List

Use the Certification Check List to navigate your way through the recommended articles, videos and courses in the learning portal to prepare for your Certification exam.

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Formation virtuelle dirigée par un instructeur
Solutions complètes

Axis Optimizer pour Milestone XProtect

| Online

L'objectif de la formation est d'apprendre l'intégration et la configuration d'Axis Optimizer pour Milestone XProtect. Cette extension logicielle offre de nombreux avantages lors de la maintenance et de l'utilisation des caméras vidéo réseau Axis et des appareils audio réseau Axis.

En découvrir plus
Virtual instructor-led training

AXIS Perimeter Defender

Multiple | Online

This Virtual classroom course covers how to protect the perimeter of a site with AXIS Perimeter Defender. You will learn to design a system, choose the best camera and detect intrusion.

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Corsi di formazione guidati da un istruttore

AXIS Perimeter Defender - Roma

Nov 8, 2023 | Fast Lane Via Mosca, 45, 00142 Roma RM

Questo corso in aula spiega come proteggere il perimetro di un sito con AXIS Perimeter Defender.

Scopri di più

Axis Perimeter- und Bereichsschutz für KRITIS (Wien)

| Wien

Dieser Kurs zeigt auf wie Wärmebildkameras, Security-Radarsysteme und KI-basierte Analytik für den Perimeter- und Bereichsschutz im Bereich von KRITIS eingesetzt werden können und welche Kriterien in die Auswahl dieser Technologien einfließen sollten.

Mehr erfahren
Treinamento virtual ministrado por instrutor
Soluções fim a fim

AXIS Site Designer

Aprenda a projetar um sistema de monitoramento com VMS e produtos da Axis ou parceiros.

Mais informações
Formación virtual dirigida por un instructor
Soluciones integrales

AXIS Site Designer

Descubra cómo diseñar un sistema de vigilancia con VMS y productos de Axis o socios.

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Virtual instructor-led training
End-to-end solutions

AXIS Site Designer

Learn how to design a surveillance system with VMS and products from Axis or partners.

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Online-Schulung mit Trainer

AXIS Site Designer Training

| Online

Verschaffen Sie sich schnell und effizient einen Einblick über die Möglichkeiten Videoüberwachung-, Audio- und Zutrittslösungen mit Axis Komponenten in AXIS Site Designer 2 zu planen.

Mehr erfahren
Instructor-led training
End-to-end solutions

Building end-to-end solutions with AXIS Camera Station

Use AXIS Camera Station as the VMS and integrate it with speakers for security purposes. Set up the access control using AXIS Camera Station Secure Entry.

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Formation virtuelle dirigée par un instructeur
Vidéo sur IP

Concevoir des solutions de vidéosurveillance en réseau

| Online

Vous apprendrez la conception de solutions vidéo via notre site Axis Designer. Vous allez recevoir les connaissances théoriques sur le sujet puis vous pourrez vous entrainer grâce à un exercice pratique complet.

En découvrir plus
Treinamento ministrado por instrutor
Soluções fim a fim

Construindo soluções ponta a ponta com AXIS Camera Station

Projete soluções ponta a ponta Axis. Use o AXIS Camera Station como o VMS e faça com que ele se comunique com os alto-falantes para fins de segurança e proteção. Configure o controle de acesso usando o AXIS Camera Station Secure Entry.

Mais informações
Formación dirigida por un instructor
Soluciones integrales

Creación de soluciones integrales con AXIS Camera Station

Diseñe soluciones integrales (end-to-end). Utilice AXIS Camera Station como VMS y haga que se comunique con los altavoces por motivos de seguridad y protección. Configure el control de acceso mediante AXIS Camera Station Secure Entry.

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Webinare – aufgezeichnet

Der Lösungsansatz von Axis zur Cybersicherheit

| Online

Der Umgang und das Reduzieren von Cyberrisiken in Ihrem Videoüberwachungssystemen.

Mehr erfahren
Treinamento ministrado por instrutor
Vídeo em rede

Desenho de soluções de vídeo em rede

21 Fevereiro | 8 outubro | Portugal

Aprenda a desenhar um sistema de videomonitoramento em rede.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Designing network video solutions

| Hong Kong

Learn to design a network video surveillance system using Axis site designer.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Designing network video solutions

Multiple | United Kingdom and Ireland

This classroom-based course explores how to design a great network video surveillance system. You will learn the three Ps of surveillance design: Purpose, Product and Placement.

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Virtual instructor-led training
Network video

Designing network video solutions

| Online

This training course will cover the important aspects of designing a network video surveillance system.

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Virtual instructor-led training
Network video

Designing network video solutions (Virtual)

TBD | Online

Learn to design a network video surveillance system using Axis site designer

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Virtual instructor-led training
End-to-end solutions

Discover AXIS Site Designer

This classroom teaches you to create great projects with AXIS Site Designer. It provides a walk-through of the tool and a work-flow to follow when designing projects.

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Formación dirigida por un instructor
Vídeo en red

Diseño de Soluciones de Vídeo en Red

9 abril | 12 noviembre | España

Aprenda a diseñar un sistema de vigilancia de vídeo en red.

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Instruktor prowadzący szkolenie
Przesyłanie wideo w sieci

Explore Network Video Design


Kurs ten wykorzystuje ćwiczenia praktyczne z wykorzystaniem AXIS Site Designer do nauki projektowania sieciowego systemu dozoru wideo.

Dowiedz się więcej
Instructor-led training
Network video

Explore Network Video Design

Multiple | United Kingdom and Irealn

In this blended learning training, you’ll learn about the important aspects of designing network video solutions and how to design a system using AXIS Site Designer.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Explore Network Video Design

Multiple | Poland

This classroom-based course explores how to design a great network video surveillance system. You will learn the three Ps of surveillance design: Purpose, Product and Placement.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Explore Network Video Design

Multiple | Czech Republic

This classroom-based course explores how to design a great network video surveillance system. You will learn the three Ps of surveillance design: Purpose, Product and Placement.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Explore Network Video Design

Multiple | Romania

This classroom-based course explores how to design a great network video surveillance system. You will learn the three Ps of surveillance design: Purpose, Product and Placement.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Explore Network Video Design

Multiple | Croatia

This classroom-based course explores how to design a great network video surveillance system. You will learn the three Ps of surveillance design: Purpose, Product and Placement.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Explore Network Video Design

Více | Czech Republic

Tento školicí kurz se zabývá důležitými aspekty návrhu síťového kamerového systému. Probírají se témata, jako jsou cíle dohledu, umístění kamer, analýza videa, výkon sítě a řešení ukládání.Veškerá prezentovaná teorie je následně implementována v praxi.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Explore Network Video Design - Nordics

Multiple | Nordic countries

This training provides a solid foundation for designing network video solutions. The course contains a mix of theoretical presentations and hands-on exercises.

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Mixte (mélange de formats)
Vidéo sur IP

Fondements de la vidéo sur IP

 +4 | France

La formation NVF couvre les notions de base de la vidéo sur IP à travers une approche théorique et pratique, intégrant l’installation et le paramétrage des caméras Axis.

Dates et villes disponibles
Formation virtuelle dirigée par un instructeur
Solutions complètes

Formation Axis Site Designer 2

Vous apprendrez á créer une planification de projet complète à l'aide d'AXIS Site Designer 2.

En découvrir plus
Formation virtuelle dirigée par un instructeur
Vidéo sur IP

Formation de base sur la vidéosurveillance en réseau

| Online

Apprenez les aspects fondamentaux de la vidéosurveillance en réseau. Vous pourrez également acquérir une expérience pratique en connectant et en configurant les produits Axis.

En découvrir plus
Formation dirigée par un instructeur
Vidéo sur IP

Formation de base sur la vidéosurveillance en réseau (Bussigny)

 +1 | Bussigny

Apprenez les aspects fondamentaux de la vidéosurveillance en réseau. Vous pourrez également acquérir une expérience pratique en connectant et en configurant les produits Axis.

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Misturado (mistura de formatos)
Vídeo em rede

Fundamentos da tecnologia de vídeo em rede

5 novembro | Portugal

Aprenda sobre os aspectos fundamentais da tecnologia de videomonitoramento em rede e adquira experiência prática, conectando e configurando produtos Axis.

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Treinamento ministrado por instrutor
Vídeo em rede

Fundamentos de vídeo em rede

Aprenda os conceitos para destacar-se em soluções de videomonitoramento em rede e ponha-os em prática conectando e configurando produtos Axis.

Mais informações
Treinamento virtual ministrado por instrutor
Vídeo em rede

Fundamentos de vídeo em rede (virtual)

Aprenda os conceitos para destacar-se em soluções de videomonitoramento em rede e ponha-os em prática conectando e configurando produtos Axis.

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Combinado (mezcla de formatos)
Vídeo en red

Fundamentos de vídeo en red

6 marzo | España

Aprenda los aspectos fundamentales de la videovigilancia en red. Obtenga experiencia práctica conectando y configurando productos Axis.

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Formación virtual dirigida por un instructor
Vídeo en red

Fundamentos de video en red (virtual)

En este curso virtual aprenderá a configurar, operar y solucionar problemas de cámaras de red con la ayuda de 50 demostraciones y ejemplos reales de conceptos fundamentales.

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Formación dirigida por un instructor
Vídeo en red

Fundamentos del video en red

Aprende aspectos fundamentales de la videovigilancia en red. Obtenga también experiencia práctica conectando y configurando productos Axis.

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Instructor-led training
End-to-end solutions

Get to know AXIS Camera Station - Nordics

Multiple | Nordic countries

This instructor led course gives you a solid introduction to how to create end-to-end solutions using AXIS Camera Station as the video management software. 

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Network video

Get to know Axis network camera naming convention

Always available

Learn the main principles for how to extract product specifications from the standardized names of Axis products.

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Network video

Get to know Axis network camera product types

Always available

Learn about different types of Axis network cameras and how they address various customer surveillance needs.

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Get to know cybersecurity

Always available

Get a brief introduction to the topic of cybersecurity as applied to network video systems

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Network video

Get to know image quality optimization

Always available

Learn about image quality as applied to surveillance, so you can select and set up cameras for optimal performance.

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Network video

Get to know lighting for video surveillance

Always available

Learn why, when, and how to install lighting in your surveillance networks to get the video quality you need.

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Network video

Get to know network technology

Always available

Learn about the basics of networking, including terminology and key concepts.

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Network video

Get to know video encoding solutions

Always available

Learn the basics about video encoders, the Axis naming convention, and the various methods of displaying video.

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Instructor-led training
Network audio

Network Audio Essentials

Multiple | United Kingdom and Ireland

Discover the many benefits and possibilities with Axis network audio and learn how to plan, install, integrate, and manage Axis network audio systems. 

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Instructor-led training
Network audio

Network audio essentials

| Hong Kong

This classroom-based course covers the essentials of network (IP) audio. We’ll explore topics like network basics, audio theory, audio-system design, and network-audio management through a combination of theory-based lessons and hands-on exercises.

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Virtual instructor-led training
Network audio

Network audio overview

Learn the concept of network audio and how it improves safety, security and operational efficiency.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Network Video Fundamentals

| Hong Kong

Learn fundamental aspects of network video surveillance. Also get hands-on experience from connecting and configuring Axis products.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Network Video Fundamentals

Multiple | United Kingdom and Ireland

This course gives you a solid introduction to network video surveillance. The theory is presented in a range of eLearning modules (for self-paced studies), while the hands-on exercises take place in a classroom. In the exercises you will learn how to connect and configure Axis products. Afterwards, there is a virtual help session, giving you the opportunity to review the most relevant topics and ask questions.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Network video fundamentals

Learn fundamental aspects of network video surveillance. Also get hands-on experience from connecting and configuring Axis products.

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Blended (mix of formats)
Network video

Network video fundamentals

Learn fundamental aspects of network video surveillance. Also get hands-on experience from connecting and configuring Axis products. For system integrators and installers in the network video surveillance industry.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Network Video Fundamentals

Network Video Fundamentals gives you the opportunity to learn many disciplines from system design to configuration and installation as well as troubleshooting.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Network video fundamentals

Multiple choices | Croatia

This classroom course gives you a solid introduction to network video surveillance. The course contains a mix of theoretical presentations and hands-on exercises. In the exercises you will learn how to connect and configure Axis products.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Network video fundamentals

Multiple choices | Poland

This classroom course gives you a solid introduction to network video surveillance. The course contains a mix of theoretical presentations and hands-on exercises. In the exercises you will learn how to connect and configure Axis products.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Network video fundamentals

Multiple choice | Romania

This classroom course gives you a solid introduction to network video surveillance. The course contains a mix of theoretical presentations and hands-on exercises. In the exercises you will learn how to connect and configure Axis products.

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Blended (mix of formats)
Network video

Network video fundamentals

This 2-day course covers the basics of network video. Topics such as basic camera installation, usability, image optimization and video analysis will be discussed.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Network video fundamentals

Multiple choice | Czech Republic

This classroom course gives you a solid introduction to network video surveillance. The course contains a mix of theoretical presentations and hands-on exercises. In the exercises you will learn how to connect and configure Axis products.

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Blended (mix of formats)
Network video

Network video fundamentals

| Bratislava, SK

Learn fundamental aspects of network video surveillance. Also get hands-on experience from connecting and configuring Axis products. For system integrators and installers in the network video surveillance industry.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Network video fundamentals

Bude rozhodnuto

Tento kurz v učebně vás důkladně seznámí se síťovým videodohledem. Kurz obsahuje kombinaci teoretických prezentací a praktických cvičení. V rámci cvičení se naučíte připojovat a konfigurovat produkty Axis.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Network video fundamentals & Certification

Many dates | United States

In this course you will learn how to configure, operate and troubleshoot network cameras. Hands-on exercises with domes, fixed cameras, PTZs, thermals and multisensors will be completed.

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Blended (mix of formats)
Network video

Network video fundamentals (Blended)


Tento kurz vás důkladně seznámí s problematikou síťového video dohledu. Je založen na konceptu kombinované výuky, kdy je teorie prezentována v řadě e-learningových modulů (pro samostudium), zatímco praktická cvičení probíhají v učebně. Ve cvičeních se naučíte, jak připojit a konfigurovat produkty Axis.

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Blended (mix of formats)
Network video

Network video fundamentals (Blended)

Multiple choices | Romania

This course gives you a solid introduction to network video surveillance. It is based on a blended learning concept, where the theory is presented in a range of eLearning modules (for self-paced studies), while the hands-on exercises take place in a classroom. In the exercises you will learn how to connect and configure Axis products.

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Blended (mix of formats)
Network video

Network video fundamentals (Blended)

Multiple choice | Czech Republic

This course gives you a solid introduction to network video surveillance. It is based on a blended learning concept, where the theory is presented in a range of eLearning modules (for self-paced studies), while the hands-on exercises take place in a classroom. In the exercises you will learn how to connect and configure Axis products.

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Blended (mix of formats)
Network video

Network video fundamentals (Blended)

Více | Czech Republic

Tento kurz vás důkladně seznámí s problematikou síťového video dohledu. Je založen na konceptu kombinované výuky, kdy je teorie prezentována v řadě e-learningových modulů (pro samostudium), zatímco praktická cvičení probíhají v učebně. Ve cvičeních se naučíte, jak připojit a konfigurovat produkty Axis.

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Blended (mix of formats)
Network video

Network video fundamentals (Blended)

Multiple choices | Poland

This course gives you a solid introduction to network video surveillance. It is based on a blended learning concept, where the theory is presented in a range of eLearning modules (for self-paced studies), while the hands-on exercises take place in a classroom. In the exercises you will learn how to connect and configure Axis products.

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Blended (mix of formats)
Network video

Network video fundamentals (Blended)

Multiple choices | Croatia

This course gives you a solid introduction to network video surveillance. It is based on a blended learning concept, where the theory is presented in a range of eLearning modules (for self-paced studies), while the hands-on exercises take place in a classroom. In the exercises you will learn how to connect and configure Axis products.

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Blended (mix of formats)
Network video

Network Video Fundamentals (Blended) - Nordic

Multiple | Nordic countries

This course gives you a solid introduction to network video surveillance. The theory is presented in a range of eLearning modules (for self-paced studies), while the hands-on exercises take place in a classroom. In the exercises you will learn how to connect and configure Axis products.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Network video fundamentals (Rotterdam)

 +2 | Rotterdam

Learn all about the essential aspects of network video surveillance and gain hands-on experience connecting and configuring Axis products.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Network video fundamentals - Nordics

Multiple | Nordic Countries

Learn fundamental aspects of network video surveillance. Also get hands-on experience from connecting and configuring Axis products.

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Virtual instructor-led training
Network video

Network video technologies overview

Learn how you can benefit from various relevant technologies built into most Axis network video products.

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Online-Schulung mit Trainer


 +1 | Online

Lernen Sie grundlegende Aspekte der IP-Videosicherheit kennen und sammeln Sie praktische Erfahrungen beim Anschließen und Konfigurieren von Axis-Produkten.

Mehr erfahren

Netzwerk-Video-Grundlagen (Hamburg)

| Hamburg

Lernen Sie grundlegende Aspekte der Netzwerk-Videoüberwachung kennen. Außerdem können Sie praktische Erfahrungen beim Anschließen und Konfigurieren von Axis-Produkten sammeln.

Mehr erfahren

Netzwerk-Video-Grundlagen (Ismaning)

| Ismaning

Lernen Sie grundlegende Aspekte der Netzwerk-Videoüberwachung kennen. Außerdem können Sie praktische Erfahrungen beim Anschließen und Konfigurieren von Axis-Produkten sammeln.

Mehr erfahren

Netzwerk-Video-Grundlagen (Stuttgart)

| Stuttgart

Lernen Sie grundlegende Aspekte der Netzwerk-Videoüberwachung kennen. Außerdem können Sie praktische Erfahrungen beim Anschließen und Konfigurieren von Axis-Produkten sammeln.

Mehr erfahren
Formation dirigée par un instructeur
Audio en réseau

Notions de base de l’audio IP

| France

Apprenez les bases du réseau Audio et découvrez les possibilités d'AXIS Audio Solution avec des exemples concrets. 

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Network video

Physical network topologies

Learn the most used physical network topologies types, their advantages and disadvantages.

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Webinare – geplant

The Power of One goes beyond Video

| Online

In diesem Webinar erörtern wir, was wir bei Axis unter einer integrierten Schnittstelle verstehen und wie man eine kombinierte Video-Zutrittskontrolllösung aufbaut. Dabei sind verschiedene Varianten möglich, wobei die einzelnen Komponenten besprochen werden.

Mehr erfahren
Vídeo em rede

Topologias de redes físicas

Conheça os tipos mais comumente usados de topologias de rede física, suas vantagens e desvantagens.

Mais informações
Vídeo en red

Topologías de redes físicas

Conozca los tipos de topologías de redes físicas más utilizadas, sus ventajas y desventajas.

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Network video

Understand fiber optics

Always available

Learn why fiber optics are so essential to the infrastructure powering Axis products, and how they affect system design.

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Virtual instructor-led training
Network video

Virtual network video fundamentals

In this virtual course you will learn how to configure, operate, and troubleshoot network cameras with the help of 50 demonstrations and real-world examples of fundamentals concepts.

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Virtual instructor-led training
Network video

Virtual Network Video Fundamentals

Network Video Fundamentals (virtual) gives you the opportunity to learn many disciplines from system design to configuration, installation and troubleshooting.

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Virtual instructor-led training
Network video

Virtual Network video fundamentals

| Virtual

Learn fundamental aspects of network video surveillance, as well as how to connect and configure Axis products.

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Treinamento virtual ministrado por instrutor
Vídeo em rede

Visão geral das tecnologias de vídeo em rede

Saiba como você pode se beneficiar de várias tecnologias relevantes incorporadas à maioria dos produtos de vídeo em rede da Axis.

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Treinamento virtual ministrado por instrutor
Áudio em rede

Visão geral do áudio em rede

Aprenda o conceito de áudio em rede e como ele melhora a segurança, proteção e eficiência operacional.

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Treinamento virtual ministrado por instrutor

Visão geral dos analíticos para segurança e proteção

Descubra como os analíticos da Axis ajudam a aumentar o nível de segurança e proteção permitindo que ações adequadas sejam tomadas sem atrasos.

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Treinamento virtual ministrado por instrutor
Intercomunicadores em rede

Visão geral dos intercomunicadores 2N

Descubra como os intercomunicadores 2N podem melhorar a segurança fornecendo recursos e comunicações eficientes ao controlar o acesso.

Mais informações
Formación virtual dirigida por un instructor

Visión general de analíticas para la seguridad y la protección

Descubra cómo las analíticas de Axis ayudan a aumentar el nivel de seguridad y protección al permitir que se tomen las medidas adecuadas sin demora.

Leer más
Formación virtual dirigida por un instructor
Audio en red

Visión general de audio en red

Aprenda el concepto de audio en red y cómo mejora la seguridad, la protección y la eficiencia operativa.

Leer más
Formación virtual dirigida por un instructor
Vídeo en red

Visión general de las tecnologías de vídeo en red

Descubra cómo puede beneficiarse de diversas tecnologías relevantes integradas en la mayoría de los productos de vídeo en red de Axis.

Leer más
Formación virtual dirigida por un instructor
Intercomunicadores de red

Visión general de los intercomunicadores de 2N

Descubra cómo los intercomunicadores 2N pueden mejorar la seguridad al proporcionar funciones y comunicaciones eficientes al controlar el acceso.

Leer más
Обучение под руководством инструктора
Сетевое видео

Основы сетевого видеонаблюдения

Изучите фундаментальные аспекты сетевого видеонаблюдения. Получите опыт запуска и конфигурирования продуктов Axis. Для системных интеграторов и инсталляторов.

Обучение под руководством инструктора
Сетевое видео

Проектирование систем видеонаблюдения

В этом курсе с помощью практических упражнений с AXIS Site Designer вы научитесь проектировать системы сетевого видеонаблюдения с учетом поставленных задач, размещения камер, уровня освещенности и приложений видеоаналитики. Вы познакомитесь с инструментами, предлагаемыми компанией Axis для облегчения процесса проектирования.


ネットワークビデオファンダメンタルズ オンライン


Instructor-led training
Network video



Instructor-led training
Network video




Virtual instructor-led training
Network video

設計網路影像解決方案 (線上)


學習如何使用AXIS Site Designer設計一套網路影像監控解決方案。
