Learn about Axis body worn solutions including all the software and hardware components involved and the multiple use cases for body worn cameras. You’ll also learn how AXIS Body Worn Live enables streaming of live video, audio, and metadata from Axis body worn cameras in real time, the procedures for daily use of body worn cameras, as well as the available sensors and accessories. Aimed at anyone who wants to gain an understanding of Axis body worn solutions, this instructor-led training makes use of a variety of techniques and is adapted to the skill level of each class. 

Practical information:

Format: Virtual Instructor-led classroom
Length: 1.5 hours
Language: English
Price: Free of charge

Course Outline

  • Axis body worn solution
    Overview of the purposes and use cases of body worn cameras, the solution components involved, security measures, robustness, and the unique benefits Axis offers
  • Axis body worn cameras
    The daily use of these cameras, their capabilities, and image quality, as well as the available sensors and accessories
  • AXIS Body Worn Live
    Understanding the use cases for AXIS Body Worn Live, our cloud service that enables streaming of live video, audio, and metadata from Axis body worn cameras in real-time, as well as use cases for daily use of the tool
  • System management
    Introduction to AXIS W800 System Controller, AXIS Body Worn Manager, video and evidence management software, and what to consider when planning your system

Course Objectives

After completing the course, participants should:

be familiar with:

  • typical use cases for body worn cameras and live streaming
  • the steps to set up a body worn system
  • different software options for managing recordings


  • all the system components, hardware, and software involved
  • the camera inputs and outputs (I/Os), as well as the camera capabilities, robustness, and image quality

be able to:

  • explain the role of the different components in the daily workflow
  • analyze the body worn solution components tailored to specific requirements

Information about the trainer:

Mike Ruck, Technical Trainer, UK and Ireland.