ADVANCE S.R.L., Voluntari |
Address: |
Str. George Bacovia, nr.15-17, bl.C1, ap.3
jud. Ilfov
077190, Voluntari |
URL: |
http://www.advances.ro |
Phone: |
+40730002860 |
Fax: |
0040-372879999 |
Description: |
Advance Ltd. was founded in 1999 to promote and deliver leading technology solutions for security systems that provide customers improved and increased safety and efficiency. To fulfill our purpose our whole activity is guided by high ethical standards, integrity, honesty and fairness in business relationships and so the company has gained the credibility of the institutions accredited to issue permits for this type of activity. In the segment of alarm and voice-data systems, our resources and technical capacity as company are used up to their fullest as to be among the best in terms of quality and to promote more affordable prices. Advance Ltd. holds authorization for systems design and installation of signaling, alarming and alerting in case of fire; systems design and installations for limiting and extinguishing fires; installation and maintenance of systems and installations of signaling and alarming in case of fire; installing and maintaining systems of fire limitation except those containing fluorine greenhouse gases. The headquarter office is located in Cluj-Napoca, and the company has offices in Bucuresti, Brasov, Constanta, Galati, Timisoara, Iasi, Craiova, Bacau, Ploiesti, Baia Mare, Oradea, Sibiu, Hunedoara, Deva and Suceava. |
Contact person: |
Tamas Urszuj
Send a message to ADVANCE S.R.L.:
Address: |
1/II Pipera Blvd.
077190, Voluntari |
URL: |
http://www.avitech.ro |
Phone: |
+40749062473 |
Fax: |
+40 21 200 64 65 |
Description: |
AVITECH is a leading and innovative system integrator of professional solutions for electrical installations, automations, security, fire safety, audio video, pro audio & lights, IT&C and transportation systems in Romania, with more than 18 years of experience. Our security solutions include all necessary systems of any company: video surveillance, intrusion detection, perimeter security, access control, time & attendance, intercom and integrated systems. |
Contact person: |
Ciprian Dumitru
Send a message to AVITECH CO S.R.L.:
Brahms International S.R.L., Brasov |
Address: |
Memorandului 33
500045, Brasov |
URL: |
http://www.brahms.ro |
Phone: |
0040 268 401790 |
Fax: |
0040 268 410422 |
Description: |
Inca de la infintare, in 1990, firma Brahms International si-a propus sa fie un punct de referinta in domeniul tehnologiei informatiei oferind servicii si solutii la cele mai inalte standarde de profesionalism . Pentru aceasta , de-a lungul timpului au dezvoltat parteneriate cu reprezentantele din Romania ale principalelor companii de IT din lume si au investit in dezvoltarea si perfectionarea continua a resursele umane, dovada fiind certificarile profesionale obtinute de la firme de renume din acest domeniu.Implementarea, din anul 2000, a sistemului de management al calitatii conform cerintelor standardului ISO 9001: 2008 reprezinta o garantie a profesionalismului de care dau dovada, urmarind atat oferirea de solutii moderne, complet integrate, de inalta tehnologie, pentru toate domeniile de activitate abordate cat si deplina satisfactie a clientilor. |
Contact person: |
Rainhold Mai
Send a message to Brahms International S.R.L.:
Address: |
Banul Dumitrache 31
023765, Bucharest |
URL: |
http://www.easystems.ro |
Phone: |
+40786869527 |
Fax: |
Description: |
Electronic Alarms Systems is an innovative company formed by a group of engineers with over 10 years of experience in designing, configuration, installation and setting-up, service and maintenance of low currents systems. We provide plug and play solutions and premium services tailor-made for the needs of every client operating in the field of IT, safety and security. We particularly focus on industrial sector where the expertise of our people, the technology used and the quality of our services are paramount. |
Contact person: |
Aurel Satnoianu
HELINICK S.R.L. - Convergint, Bucharest |
Address: |
4, Eraclie Arion Street
013911, Bucharest |
URL: |
http://www.helinick.ro |
Phone: |
+40214044444 |
Fax: |
+40214044430 |
Description: |
HELINICK is one of pioneers of security industry in Romania being, in the same time, a company into permanent development, searching for continuous transformations and improvements, in line with new market requirements and advance of technology. HELINICK is a security and safety integrator providing highly customized solutions for a large base of customers, HELINICK promote the concept of Open Platform Integration providing flexibility, scalability and open-to-future options for his customers. |
Contact person: |
Adrian Bartha
Send a message to HELINICK S.R.L. - Convergint:
Address: |
Parcul Industrial Brasov Hala Nr. 1
Str. Hermann Oberth Nr. 23
507075, Brasov |
URL: |
http://www.icco-systems.ro |
Phone: |
+40 268 401234 |
Fax: |
+40 268 401230 |
Description: |
Înfiintata în 1993 de catre un grup de ingineri cu ani de experienta în automatizari si instalatii de curenti slabi, ICCO Systems a contribuit la dezvoltarea pietei sistemelor de securitate din România, conturând necesitatile de securitate pentru clienti si oferind solutii profesionale pentru sistemele electronice de securitate. Sedii bancare sau aeroporturi, hoteluri, parcari sau cladiri de birouri - îsi gasesc solutia adecvata de securitate în portofoliul ICCO systems. |
Contact person: |
Adrian Ilea
Send a message to ICCO SYSTEMS S.R.L.:
Buy online |
Address: |
Bd. Dimitrie Pompei, nr. 8
020337, Bucharest |
URL: |
http://www.rst.ro |
Phone: |
+40786107420 |
Fax: |
Description: |
RST is a multi-disciplinary integrator offering highly engineered solutions that solve real life problems for our customers. Together with our supplier partners we offer integrated solutions for Retail, Industrial, Hospitality and other verticals spanning unified communications, audio-video solutions, collaboration, and security/safety systems, all backed by intelligent IT&cloud infrastructure. Our solutions use Axis devices not just as security devices but as intelligent edge devices which detect and alert for health&safety, productivity and other issues which need monitoring |
Contact person: |
Marius Craciun
Address: |
16 Aleea Morilor Street
900377, CONSTANTA |
URL: |
http://www.silvasistems.ro |
Phone: |
0040729883566 |
Fax: |
0241518156 |
Description: |
With more than 19 years of experience, Silva Sistems succeeded to be recognized by long lasting seriousness, expertise and professionalism. The company started as SMB Solutions Integrator at regional level and managed at national level to become a provider for professional consulting services, multi-competence design, complex installation, integration and trustful maintenance services. Our integrated Security Solutions include Security Systems, Low Voltage Structured Cabling & Networking, Data Rooms/Centers for Critical Infrastructures, Smart City Areas, Industrial Environments but also the Management and Implementation of multidisciplinary IT&C and Security projects. |
Contact person: |
Send a message to SC SILVA SISTEMS SRL:
Address: |
Strada Banul Dumitrache 31
023765, Bucuresti |
URL: |
http://www.syntegra.ro |
Phone: |
+40733460552 |
Fax: |
Description: |
Private company, established in 2008, specialized in design, installation and maintenance of low voltage wiring systems, electrical installations and IT&C systems related to the basic field. The professional training of our team and experience gained over time secured us some special solutions that we are proud of.The level of seriousness at which we treat client requirements is the main reason of our development and growth. We approach the projects in which we get involved with innovation spirit, offering the newest and most complete solutions that best meet the interests of any project. We keep all our promises made in a fair and responsible way, as we consider that it is a social responsibility in general to do so; both in team relationship and with our customers.Honesty and open communication is the base of growth in both our team’s mutual trust and the many other teams we work with.The solutions we build recommend us and each of those references raises the level of exigency that we provide in future projects. |
Contact person: |
Florian Ciochina
Send a message to SC Syntegra Security SRL:
SECURITAS Services, Bucharest |
Address: |
Soseaua Bucuresti-Ploiesti 42-44
013696, Bucharest |
URL: |
http://www.securitas.com.ro |
Phone: |
40212321135 |
Fax: |
40212321196 |
Description: |
Viziunea Securitas este de a furniza solutii integrate bazate pe intelegerea riscurilor si pe amenintarea securitatii. Abordarea noastra fata de solutiile inovatoare de securitate, pune accentul pe identificarea riscului, cu scopul de a indeplini cerinte operationale personalizate, asigurandu-va ca propunerea de securitate intruneste cerintele clientilor. |
Contact person: |
Adrian Urziceanu
Send a message to SECURITAS Services: