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This is the gateway to all the learning resources the Academy offers for building your expertise – from training to webinars, to articles, videos, and more, you'll find it here.
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Webinar - registrati

AI Fundamentals - Adding value to video surveillance

Guarda la versione on-demand di questi 3 webinar per scoprire come l'ArtificiaI Intelligence sta aggiungendo valore alla videosorveglianza.

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Corsi di formazione guidati da un istruttore

AXIS Perimeter Defender - Roma

Nov 8, 2023 | Fast Lane Via Mosca, 45, 00142 Roma RM

Questo corso in aula spiega come proteggere il perimetro di un sito con AXIS Perimeter Defender.

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Understand video analytics optimization

Always available

Learn how to maximize the performance of your video analytics applications by making insightful choices when it comes to product selection, camera placement, maintenance and more.

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