Course Description

Axis analytics for operational efficiency deliver insights you can act on. Together with Axis video products, Axis edge-based analytics can count people and estimate occupancy levels in real-time, help manage queues effectively, and protect privacy. They also enable automatic responses to events such as sending live video and emailing alerts to security staff. Discover Axis Analytics for Operational efficiency provides an up-close look at the purpose and target applications for each of these analytics.

Upon completion of the course students will be able to:

  • Describe the capabilities of Axis analytics for operational efficiency
  • Explain the differences between 2D and 3D people counters
  • Determine which Axis devices are compatible with each analytics
  • Recommend the Axis analytics for operational efficiency that best meets customer needs

Course length

2 hours


No charge

Who should attend

System Designers, Project Managers, Salespersons, and Security Professionals who want to learn more about Axis Analytics for operational efficiency.