The smarter future of autonomous retail

    While the foundation of autonomous retail has been built up over the past few years, it is only now that retailers are beginning to fully experiment with the technology. Indeed, a small number of businesses have already forged ahead, including Amazon with the expansion of its Amazon Go chain and related app now seeing a … Continued

      Security solutions for smart buildings. – Using analytics to keep the flow in your business

      In the quest for improved operations and sustainability metrics, smart buildings are starting to move front and center. Based on the same premise as smart cities, these connected structures both form and become part of a mini-ecosystem, interacting with the people, systems and external elements surrounding them. Smart buildings combine technology with data and the … Continued

        Choosing the right explosion-protected camera

        Hazardous areas where flammable material such as gas or dust are liable to an increased risk of explosion are common in settings ranging from petrochemical plants through to food processing factories. Often, it’s essential or beneficial to use electrical equipment in these environments. This includes network cameras to ensure health and safety, security, and operational … Continued

          Wearable devices in healthcare: What’s the role of body worn solutions?

          Wearable technology has been prominently part of public safety for years, and its usage has only continued to grow within this market. Most recently, the usage of body worn, or wearable devices, have grown in the healthcare market as well, particularly in the traditional security sense with security officers who wear them while on duty. … Continued

            Surveillance technology that’s as blind as a bat

            It’s actually a myth that bats have very poor eyesight. In fact, some species have very good eyesight. But what really allows a bat to be so highly attuned to its surroundings, able to safely navigate their way through forests, and be aware of other objects and animals in their immediate environment is highly sophisticated … Continued

              Ensuring privacy when undertaking surveillance

              Surveillance and privacy are not natural bedfellows. However, given that surveillance can help with public safety and security, its use in public places is becoming more accepted – so long as measures are taken to respect individuals’ privacy. While privacy has always been a priority in the surveillance industry, public awareness of data privacy rights … Continued