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    How to improve physical security of data centers through device interoperability

    Many businesses now rely on data centers to house the vast volumes of data they produce on a daily basis. Data centers offer convenience, enabling high-capacity data storage that allows companies to do away with servers stored on-premises, and their associated maintenance and management costs. Much has been written about the high levels of cybersecurity … Continued

      Why an integrated approach to smart technology is critical for commercial buildings

      The last few years have been tumultuous for the commercial real estate market. Fortunately, we’re now in the midst of a resurgence and experiencing a sustained return to pre-pandemic occupancy levels. This is, of course a positive shift, but it’s important to bear in mind that the expectations of those who use these buildings have … Continued

        Security surveillance’s role in bank branch transformation

        Retail banking has been transformed over the past decade and the role of the bank branch is also evolving fast, revising and adapting for today’s needs. Things you’d never have seen in a branch ten years ago are becoming much more common, such as casual meeting spaces, digital hubs and cafés. While these innovations have been … Continued

          Creating complete solutions at the edge

          The paradigm of video surveillance solutions being predominantly server-based has been challenged over recent years. Central to this has been the increased processing capabilities of surveillance cameras themselves, which have effectively become powerful network computing devices with high quality lenses as their primary sensor. Our system-on-a-chip, ARTPEC, is the foundation. Now in its 8th iteration, … Continued

            Edge-based intrusion protection in critical infrastructure and industrial operations: integrated, reliable, and cost-effective

            Protecting critical infrastructure and other industrial operations is essential; the economy depends upon it. While cybersecurity is central to safeguarding these industries, this blog will focus on physical security – specifically, how to implement multiple layers of active, effective intrusion protection to secure the outer perimeter, inside the perimeter, and critical core facilities and assets. … Continued

              Protecting critical infrastructure in a world of escalating cyberattacks

              Examples of the increasing number and severity of cyberattacks against critical infrastructure are, unfortunately, easier than ever to find. A recent example occurred in May 2021, when the hacking group DarkSide infected computers of Colonial Pipeline – the operator of the largest pipeline system for refined oil products in the United States – with ransomware … Continued