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    Surveillance camera maintenance – who cares?

    Maintenance of surveillance cameras might not seem like the sexiest of topics, but without doubt it’s one of the most important. Without regular and diligent maintenance – both ‘digital’ and physical – the quality of video images will start to erode, and the risks of failure grow. The need for the ‘digital’ maintenance of surveillance … Continued

      Zero trust networks, and the implications for video surveillance

      Networks are increasingly vulnerable. A combination of increasingly sophisticated and numerous cyberattacks and the exponential growth in connected devices – each of which creates another network endpoint open to attack – means that organizations are fighting a never-ending battle to keep networks secure. Historically, organizations have relied on ensuring that the corporate firewall is as … Continued

        Securing pharma with video surveillance

        Depending on the sector the challenges of safety and security vary, as the level of protection needs to be adjusted to the circumstances. One of these special fields is (bio)pharmaceuticals. Protecting staff, products and information are one of the main concerns and biggest challenges in the biopharma sector. In the past few years, the pharma … Continued

          Obtaining valid video evidence: fast forensic search with authentication

          The availability and authenticity of video data is playing an increasingly important role in legal proceedings, providing a clearer and more accurate representation of actual events. However, security teams and law enforcement officers must be equipped with video technology that can accurately provide video evidence that can hold in court. This key requirement has driven … Continued

            Protecting water utilities through smart surveillance

            The provision of clean water is undoubtedly a critical aspect of a functioning society, and even this may be understating its importance. It’s an often-quoted fact that a human can survive more than three weeks without food, but only three days without water. And many sectors of industry – not least food production – rely … Continued

              When can a retailer’s sustainability strategy be negatively impacted by a surveillance vendor

              Today, the meaning of the term sustainability expands beyond a retail organization’s focus on environmental credentials alone. Sustainability involves all aspects of enterprise, including the treatment of people as well as natural surroundings. Crucially, a sustainable approach to retail must fulfil the needs of the current generation without compromising those of future generations. For retailers, … Continued