Using video surveillance to reduce retail shrinkage

    With competition from online retailers and changes to in-store shopping habits, securing profit margin is becoming more important than ever. Loss of inventory through theft – either by employees or customers – can represent a significant challenge to retailers. In fact, European retailers lose roughly €49bn a year from shrinkage, while in the US this … Continued

      Retailers Have a New Superpower

      This is a joint post between Jody Bishop and James Stark. Next-Gen Computer Vision Offers Extraordinary Abilities and Insights The old adage “knowledge is power” is as true today as it ever was. It’s clear that individuals and organizations make better decisions when armed with accurate and timely information. Today, advanced technology plays a major … Continued

        The seamless luxury retail experience: attracting conscious consumers while deterring criminals

        Millennials and Generation Z are now among the most affluent luxury brand consumers and their digital-led-approach to shopping is influencing global luxury trends. This market also demands personalized and seamless experiences, both in their online and offline activity. Meanwhile, in their consumer preferences, they are highly concerned with sustainability, and are placing increased demands on … Continued

          How network audio supports retailers – today and tomorrow

          Faced with a challenging retail landscape, providing a superior customer experience is key to attracting shoppers. I’ve seen that retailers can directly influence this by changing different aspects of the store environment, such as the display areas, layouts and adding services. Although often overlooked, audio plays a critical role here; not only in creating the … Continued

            How retailers can use network audio to level up in-store operations

            We are all used to hearing promotions, call-outs and notifications about closing time when shopping. Speakers in stores have been helpful for decades. But what about network audio, how can retailers benefit from using those instead of traditional speaker systems? And what happens when connecting audio with video? There are a number of ways that … Continued

              When can a retailer’s sustainability strategy be negatively impacted by a surveillance vendor

              Today, the meaning of the term sustainability expands beyond a retail organization’s focus on environmental credentials alone. Sustainability involves all aspects of enterprise, including the treatment of people as well as natural surroundings. Crucially, a sustainable approach to retail must fulfil the needs of the current generation without compromising those of future generations. For retailers, … Continued