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    Why end-to-end solutions are critical to ensuring safety in schools

    A major factor when designing and implementing a school security system is to ensure a reasonable level of security for staff, students, and the community. Situational awareness is paramount, and this can be achieved by implementing the right security strategies and integrating the right technologies. This means that in the event of an emergency not … Continued

      Studying up on school safety

      Every morning, an estimated 56 million children head to school across the United States, according to the Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA). Keeping these students safe is of the utmost importance for any school, but with increased threats and security challenges, it is important to consider how schools can improve their security measures. Schools are … Continued

        Security surveillance’s role in bank branch transformation

        Retail banking has been transformed over the past decade and the role of the bank branch is also evolving fast, revising and adapting for today’s needs. Things you’d never have seen in a branch ten years ago are becoming much more common, such as casual meeting spaces, digital hubs and cafés. While these innovations have been … Continued

          Workplace safety in critical infrastructure and industrial operations: minimizing risks, maximizing business continuity

          Critical infrastructure and other industrial operations are essential to society and the economy. Maintaining business continuity is key, yet workplace accidents that endanger employees and halt operations are a real risk in this sector. This makes implementing systems which help to ensure workers are in the right place at the right time (or, at least, … Continued

            Edge-based intrusion protection in critical infrastructure and industrial operations: integrated, reliable, and cost-effective

            Protecting critical infrastructure and other industrial operations is essential; the economy depends upon it. While cybersecurity is central to safeguarding these industries, this blog will focus on physical security – specifically, how to implement multiple layers of active, effective intrusion protection to secure the outer perimeter, inside the perimeter, and critical core facilities and assets. … Continued

              Meeting mining’s challenges with video surveillance

              In terms of tough working environments, there aren’t many more challenging than mining. And the overriding priority for the operators of mines is the safety of their employees. Clearly, no employer wants their workers’ health and wellbeing risked any more than is absolutely necessary in a potentially dangerous working environment. The vast majority of mine … Continued