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    Boosting operational efficiency with network cameras: three levels of functionality

    Video surveillance technology can go far beyond physical security. It can address everything from improving people’s safety and monitoring processes to maximizing operational efficiency. Optimizing processes for maximum productivity – or ‘operational efficiency’ – is a major focus for industrial operations in particular, given the costly consequences of downtime halting producing, manufacturing, or processing operations. … Continued

      Protecting the world’s data centers

      Data centers have become an intrinsic part of modern society. Both public and private spheres depend on them to function, be it for local or remote operations, the flow of information and connectivity, digital transformation and improved services, smart cities, intelligence gathering, or data storage purposes. And with the vertical forecast to grow at a … Continued

        Delivering dependable technology today, for tomorrow’s smart cities

        Cities are in constant flux, with authorities expected to develop them to provide a high quality of life for their citizens. At the same time, those authorities must be prepared for future trends such as increased urbanization. Cities are using technology and data to analyze, prioritize, make decisions and use resources as efficiently as possible. … Continued

          Building a smart city ecosystem that keeps citizens safe

          Public safety authorities, law enforcement and emergency services are tasked with protecting residents and visitors. This means implementing technology and processes which not only tackle crime and keep citizens safe, but also enable a fast response to emergency situations. Given public sector budget constraints, innovative and scalable technology solutions have proven vital to improving citizen … Continued

            Beyond security: how internet of things strengthens higher education

            University campuses are busy places. Each day, thousands of students travel to and from classes while open days and sporting events draw in thousands of visitors. With such large-scale operations, the staff required to keep this all running is enormous. Yet, these same students, lecturers, administration staff, and visitors need to feel safe and secure … Continued