Unveiling the power of 5G in Industry 4.0: A new era for network cameras

    5G has been hailed as the transformative force across various sectors, promising to revolutionize industries by turbocharging innovation and enabling new capabilities.  While the initial adoption was slow outside the consumer sphere, due to an emerging ecosystem the industry is now on the cusp of a major shift.  Businesses are transitioning from theoretical discussions about … Continued

      The value of network audio in hazardous areas

      Hazardous areas pose an inherent risk. With the potential for combustions to occur, it is important to consider how you can integrate technology to enhance not only health and safety, but also operational efficiency and security. Many industrial settings are hazardous due to the potential presence of combustible substances such as gas or dust. While … Continued

        Guarding against explosions in agriculture and food production

        Balancing safety and security are essential in any sector, and it’s certainly the case in agriculture and food production. While surveillance brings many benefits, it’s critical that any security solution plays a role in reducing other safety risks. Here we explore how explosion-protected cameras can offer all the benefits of high-quality surveillance in this industry, … Continued

          5 ways in which metadata is transforming your video surveillance solution

          You may well have heard the term ‘metadata’ over the past couple of years. In simple terms, metadata is data that describes the objects and what is taking place in a scene covered by video surveillance.   Improvements in image quality from surveillance cameras and the application of deep learning and AI provide the foundation for … Continued

            Temperature monitoring in hazardous areas can optimize operational efficiency

            Across a wide range of industrial processes, temperature is an indicator of machine or system health. While rising temperatures can indicate the potential for overheating, lower temperatures can signal a pressure leak. As a result, the ability to effectively monitor system temperature is an important contributor to optimizing operational efficiency. Most seriously, rapidly rising temperature … Continued