Portale di apprendimento

Questa è la porta d'accesso a tutte le risorse di apprendimento che l'Academy offre per sviluppare la tua esperienza: dalla formazione ai webinar, agli articoli, ai video e altro ancora, lo troverai qui.
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Area di competenza 0
Instructor-led training
Network intercoms

2N Intercom with secure access control solution

| Hong Kong

Discover how 2N intercoms can improve security by providing efficient features and communications when controlling access.

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Virtual instructor-led training
Network intercoms

2N intercoms overview

Discover how 2N intercoms can improve security by providing efficient features and communications when controlling access.

Maggiori informazioni
Instructor-led training
Network intercoms

2N: Essentials

Many dates | United States

2N Essentials is a 1-day classroom course that provides foundation knowledge and hands-on experience with 2N intercoms and answering solutions.

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Video didattici
Interfoni di rete

Interfoni di rete Axis

Axis Network Intercoms 60sec
Sempre disponibile
Formation virtuelle dirigée par un instructeur
Interphones réseau

Découvrir: 2N

Les intercoms IP peuvent être jumelé à votre système de vidéosurveillance et contrôle d’accès pour vous donner une solution qui permet de surveiller vos entrées

En découvrir plus
Virtual instructor-led training
Network intercoms

Discover: Axis and 2N intercoms

This discovery class will showcase how intercoms can be paired with network video and access control for a solution that allows remote entrance monitoring.

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Instructor-led training
Network intercoms

Essentials: 2N

Many dates | Canada

Essentials: 2N is a 1-day classroom course that provides foundation knowledge and hands-on experience with 2N intercoms and answering solutions.

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Interfoni di rete

Vantaggi dell'utilizzo dei citofoni

Sempre disponibile

Scopri cos'è un citofono e in quali scenari è utile.

Maggiori informazioni
Webinars - recorded
Network intercoms

How to select the correct network video intercom for your needs?


Explore our intercom portfolio with Axis and 2N in a webinar.

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Treinamento virtual ministrado por instrutor
Intercomunicadores em rede

Visão geral dos intercomunicadores 2N

Descubra como os intercomunicadores 2N podem melhorar a segurança fornecendo recursos e comunicações eficientes ao controlar o acesso.

Mais informações
Formación virtual dirigida por un instructor
Intercomunicadores de red

Visión general de los intercomunicadores de 2N

Descubra cómo los intercomunicadores 2N pueden mejorar la seguridad al proporcionar funciones y comunicaciones eficientes al controlar el acceso.

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