Learning portal

This is the gateway to all the learning resources the Academy offers for building your expertise – from training to webinars, to articles, videos, and more, you'll find it here.
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Educational videos
Access control

Access control

Always available
Educational videos
Network audio

Analog vs. digital audio

Always available
Educational videos
Network video

Arctic temperature control

Arctic temperature control thumbnail
Always available
Educational videos
Network video


Always available
Educational videos
Network video

Average bitrate

Average bitrate thumbnail
Always available
Educational videos
End-to-end solutions

Axis Cloud Connect

Axis Cloud Connect thumbnail
Always available
Formación dirigida por un instructor

Ciberseguridad en práctica

Bajo demanda | España

Este curso le brinda una introducción a la ciberseguridad en su aplicación a los sistemas de vídeo en red. Explore cómo se aplican los principios relevantes de gestión de riesgos, así como en AXIS Device Manager. 

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Interactive apps
Network video

Compression: H.264 vs Zipstream

Always available

In this app, you can compare video compressed using standard H.264 with Axis Zipstream technology, a radically more efficient implementation of H.264. You can see how the bit rate varies depending on the Zipstream level set.

Formación dirigida por un instructor
Vídeo en red

Configuración de la cámara: más allá de los ajustes predeterminados

Bajo demanda | España

Descubra técnicas de configuración avanzada de cámaras que le ayudarán a obtener el máximo provecho de sus cámaras de red.

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Formación dirigida por un instructor
Vídeo en red

Curso de Preparación a la Certificación

20 marzo | 5 junio | 2 octubre | 26 noviembre | España

Formación de medio día dirigido por un instructor, diseñada para prepararle para el examen de vídeo en red de Axis. Se realizarán preguntas de test prácticas y obtendrá herramientas para ayudarle a continuar preparándose.

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Educational videos


cybersequrity thumbnail
Always available
Formación dirigida por un instructor
Vídeo en red

Diseño de Soluciones de Vídeo en Red

9 abril | 12 noviembre | España

Aprenda a diseñar un sistema de vigilancia de vídeo en red.

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Formación dirigida por un instructor
Soluciones integrales

Diseño de soluciones integrales con AXIS Camera Station

3 octubre | 17 octubre | 22 octubre | España

Aprenda a crear soluciones integrales utilizando AXIS Camera Station como VMS, conectando un sistema completo con cámaras, intercomunicador, control de acceso, altavoz de red y analíticas.

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Webinars - grabados

El poder de los metadatos

Siempre disponible | Spain

¿Qué son los metadatos? y, en general, ¿qué pueden aportar y cómo utilizar su información? Descúbrelo en este webinar

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Educational videos
Network video


emissivity thumbnail
Always available
Interactive apps
Network video

Frame rate versus Shutter speed

Always available

This application allows you to change the frame rate and shutter speed of three sample videos. These two settings are important in understanding how they affect image quality.

Educational videos
Network video

Frame rate vs. shutter speed

Frame rate vs. shutter speed thumbnail
Always available
Webinars - grabados

Fundamentos de la IA en videovigilancia

Siempre disponible | Spain

Descubre en estos 3 webinars cómo la inteligencia artificial agrega valor a la videovigilancia y sus aplicaciones.

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Combinado (mezcla de formatos)
Vídeo en red

Fundamentos de vídeo en red

6 marzo | España

Aprenda los aspectos fundamentales de la videovigilancia en red. Obtenga experiencia práctica conectando y configurando productos Axis.

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Get to know Axis body worn solution

Always available

Learn the basics about Axis body worn solution.

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End-to-end solutions

Get to know AXIS Camera Station end-to-end solutions

Always available

Dig into a compelling case story featuring examples of how to design an AXIS Camera Station surveillance system from scratch.

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End-to-end solutions

Get to know AXIS Camera Station Secure Entry

Always available

Learn the basic principles of operation using AXIS Camera Station Secure Entry.

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End-to-end solutions

Get to know AXIS Camera Station Secure Entry – Use cases

Always available

Learn the basic principles of operation using AXIS Camera Station Secure Entry.

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Network audio

Get to know Axis network audio

Always available

This eLearning course introduces Axis network audio. The course starts with an overview of the Axis portfolio of audio solutions and then delves into the many business opportunities offered by these solutions.

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Network video

Get to know Axis network camera naming convention

Always available

Learn the main principles for how to extract product specifications from the standardized names of Axis products.

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Network video

Get to know Axis network camera product types

Always available

Learn about different types of Axis network cameras and how they address various customer surveillance needs.

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Network video

Get to know Axis network video technologies

Always available

Discover the technologies used to deliver forensic-quality images, reduce bandwidth and storage space, and run analytics.

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Network video

Get to know AXIS Optimizer for Milestone XProtect®

Always available

Learn how to get the most out of Axis device capabilities in Milestone XProtect systems.

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Get to know AXIS Perimeter Defender

Always available

Learn how video analytics apps for perimeter surveillance, together with Axis network cameras, speakers, and video management software can effectively protect the perimeter of large-scale installations.

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Network video

Get to know Axis thermal and thermometric cameras

Always available

In this eLearning course, you'll learn about Axis thermal and thermometric cameras and how they deliver accurate, heat-based detection—regardless of visibility.

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Get to know cybersecurity

Always available

Get a brief introduction to the topic of cybersecurity as applied to network video systems

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Network video

Get to know image quality optimization

Always available

Learn about image quality as applied to surveillance, so you can select and set up cameras for optimal performance.

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Access control

Introduction to IP-based access control

Always available

Get a first and brief introduction to IP-based access control.

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Network video

Get to know lighting for video surveillance

Always available

Learn why, when, and how to install lighting in your surveillance networks to get the video quality you need.

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Network video

Get to know network technology

Always available

Learn about the basics of networking, including terminology and key concepts.

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Network video

Get to know panoramic cameras

Always available

Learn about different types of panoramic cameras, and how one camera plays the role of many.

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System devices

Get to know security radars

Always available

Learn the basics of using radar technology for surveillance and security purposes.

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End-to-end solutions

Get to know the benefits of AXIS Camera Station

Always available

Learn the basics on how to frame and customize key selling-points when selling AXIS Camera Station end-to-end solutions.

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Network video

Get to know video encoding solutions

Always available

Learn the basics about video encoders, the Axis naming convention, and the various methods of displaying video.

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Educational videos
Network video

High resolutions

High resolutions thumbnail
Always available
Educational videos
Network video

Image noise

Image noise thumbnail
Always available
Educational videos
Network video


Jitter thumbnail
Always available
Network video

Knowledge check

Always available

Get feedback on answers to 25 quiz questions to find out if you should study more before taking the practice test, followed by the Axis Network Video Exam.

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Educational videos
Network video


Multicasting thumbnail
Always available
Educational videos
Network audio

Network audio

network audio thumbnail
Always available
Educational videos
Network video

Onboard cameras

Onboard cameras thumbnail
Always available
Educational videos
Network video

Panoramic cameras

Panoramic cameras thumbnail
Always available
Interactive apps
Network video

Pixel density

Always available

Pixel density is usually referred to as pixels per inch (PPI). The higher the PPI, the more detail you’ll find within the image. The Pixel Density application allows you to manipulate different parameters and learn how they affect pixel density.

Webinars - grabados
Soluciones integrales

Power of One: Solución unificada de Axis

Siempre disponible | Spain

Descubre en este webinar los beneficios de una solución unificada. Un completo sistema de seguridad a la medida de su cliente.

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Educational videos
Network video

Power over Ethernet

Power over Ethernet thumnail
Always available
Network video

Practice test

Always available

Answer 40 practice questions and learn what to expect when you take the Axis network video exam.

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Formación dirigida por un instructor
Vídeo en red

Protección frente a intrusiones

26 septiembre | España

En este curso se abordan los productos y tecnologías Axis que se utilizan para proteger el perímetro y las instalaciones, la evaluación de riesgos y medidas defensivas apropiadas.

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Educational videos
System devices

Radar detection

radar detection thumbnail
Always available
Educational videos
Network video

Radar-video fusion

60 seconds thumbnail: Radar-video fusion
Always available
Educational videos
Network video

Sensor size

Sensor size thumbnail
Always available
Educational videos
Network video


SIP thumbnail
Always available
Educational videos
Network video

Software Development Kits

Software Development Kits Thumbnail
Always available
Educational videos
Network video

The focus assistant

The focus assistant thumbnail
Always available
Educational videos
Network video

Thermal imaging

Thermal imaging thumbnail
Always available
Educational videos
Network video

Thermometric cameras

Thermometric cameras 60 sec thumbnail
Always available
Webinars - grabados
Soluciones integrales

Últimas soluciones Axis 2023

Siempre disponible | Spain

Descubre en este webinar las últimas soluciones y productos Axis lanzados en 2023.

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End-to-end solutions

Understand Axis surveillance system scalability

Always available

Discover the strengths of Axis end-to-end solutions for surveillance, including video, audio and access control, and see how easily it can be scaled up.

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Network video

Fiber optics with Axis products

Always available

Learn why fiber optics are so essential to the infrastructure powering Axis products, and how they affect system design.

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Understand video analytics optimization

Always available

Learn how to maximize the performance of your video analytics applications by making insightful choices when it comes to product selection, camera placement, maintenance and more.

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Interactive apps
Network video

Virtual light studio

Always available

A camera is only as good as the light available. In the Virtual Light Studio application above, you can see how different a scene do appear, depending on how much light there is, what type of light you're using and where you place your lighting.

Educational videos
Network video

Wide dynamic range (WDR)

WDR Thumbnail
Always available
Educational videos
Network video


Zipstream thumbnail
Always available
Educational videos
Network video

Zipstream for PTZ

Zipstream for PTZ thumnail
Always available
Educational videos
Network video

Zipstream storage profile

Always available
Educational videos
Network video

Zone/Division 1 cameras

Zone/Division 1 cameras thumbnail
Always available
Educational videos
Network video

Zone/Division 2 cameras

Always available