Everybody at Axis is dedicated to making sure the company performs at its best. We’re trusted to get on with things, and people take an interest. I’ve been involved in small projects where even the CTO has shown an interest and asked questions. Everybody gets involved and is engaged in the process of making Axis the best possible company. Everybody takes their time to help out. Axis employees take really good care of each other.
But even though there are always lots of people on hand to support, we have plenty of independence. I can very much do the job in my own way. Nobody tells me how a project should be run. What matters is the result and that everybody is on-board. This means that I’m always developing, which benefits both me and the company. With every day you grow a bit and, with that growth, you can take on more complex tasks. The job I do today is not the same as when I started as a Project Manager.
I have always liked change and challenges. And at Axis it’s always possible to challenge yourself, there is always a new challenge you can sink your teeth in. With the support from managers and co-workers it sometimes feel as if nothing is impossible.
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